Composting with a purpose
Grounds For A Peel Composting Inc. was founded by Glenda Alvarado-Ostrow in her backyard with support from her husband and family. She has always been passionate about the environment and what she could do to have an impact in the world. As a resident in Wantagh, NY she saw the need to do something. This led her to start a composting company which would take food scraps and turn it into compost. Her goal is to close the loop on food waste.
As a former resident in New York City she collected electronics from her residents in her building and hauled them away downtown to e-recycling events. She also started composting in her small kitchen in New York City and used the compost for local flower beds. Seeing the lack of composting options in Nassau County she decided that someone had to help deflect of food waste going to landfills.
Would you like to learn more?? Contact us today either by sending an email, calling or message us on Facebook to learn more about her vision and how you can help our environment.

Owner of Grounds For A Peel Composting, Inc.